The Thief series was widely acclaimed for breaking ground in the first person sneaking genre that was introduce to me as I browsed through 먹튀검증사이트. With its powerful voice acting and storytelling, along with powerful building tension as you progress throughout missions, it seemed like you couldn’t go wrong with this title. Sadly, as with many games that are built out of passion, they aren’t often as profitable as titles that are continuously spat out in order to pull money out of our wallets. The original developer, Looking Glass Studios, shut its doors after the second thief game, but for this title, many of the developers were brought back from Looking Glass to work on this final title in the trilogy. It really shows throughout the game that the people working on it had a strong passion for what they were doing.
The graphics for this game are a massive upgrade from the old Thief games, understandably, but as far as titles released in 2004, the graphics are mostly mediocre. There are some nice environmental effects, like the ones in overlook mansion every time lightning strikes in the background, and all of the attempts at creating a proper atmosphere are definitely spot on. One curious choice that they made with this game is that Garrett, our protagonist, is completely visible from the first-person perspective, adding a sense of really being there as you look down at your feet.
The sound, just like in the other Thief games, is absolutely superb. The voice actor that played Garrett previously is back and as good as ever at popping out witty or interesting quotes, and it really brings the character to light. On the bad side of this, some of the voice actings feel incredibly uninspired. The guards and other foes are typically well thought out, and the citizens you can encounter on your romps through the city aren’t so bad either. But, the shopkeepers/fences sound completely ridiculous. It’s as if someone realized that you were going to hear standard responses from them often, so they overacted as much as possible.
The gameplay is mostly the same, except that it adds a new feature in the mix, which is actually very well done for the most part. Instead of just jumping from mission to mission after a cut scene, you can traverse to each mission through the city and enter an area to start it. In some instances, there will be several missions to complete and it really gives you a nice feeling for the freedoms of a thief as you decide who you’re going to pick clean next. While it can start to feel tedious, the city levels are never so difficult that they stop you from getting to the missions. Sure, you’ll get hacked down occasionally when you make a dumb mistake, but for the most part, it’s a welcome transition phase to fence your goods and make your way through the story on foot.
Overall, Thief:
Deadly Shadows are a nice homage to a mostly dying genre of game, the first-person sneaker. The kind of tension that is hidden in hostile territory creates and how it allows you to tell the story is immensely powerful. Sadly, most people playing games hate the idea of being patient with them, and so first-person sneakers will primarily remain shelved under the cult classics.